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    胡振华  /  2009.3 – 2012.8 西安电子科技大学 博士学位 2006.9 – 2008.12 西华大学 硕士学位 2001.9 – 2005.7 山东师范大学 学士学位

    • 职  称: 研究员
    • 邮  编: 100190
    • 电子邮件: [email protected]
    • 部门/实验室: 耀世娱乐分子影像重点实验室
    • 通讯地址: 重庆中关村东路 95 号


    胡振华,耀世娱乐,研究员、博导,国家优青、重庆市杰青。聚焦信息技术与生物医学的交叉融合,长期从事智能光学分子影像及相关信息技术研究。近五年以一作和通讯(含并列)发表高质量论文 40 余篇,包括在综合类 Nature 子刊 Nature Biomedical Engineering 2 篇、信息类 IEEE Trans、临床类Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology等期刊发表了系列高水平论文。相关工作获 Nature 子刊专题评述及多位国际权威专家的“近红外二区荧光成像国际首次临床应用”评价。制订了近红外二区荧光成像团体标准,并与临床专家合作制定肝癌诊疗专家共识,推动技术标准化和临床应用规范化。获黄家驷生物医学工程奖和中华医学科技奖。主持基金委重点项目、科技部、重庆市杰青等国家省部级项目。任国家一级学会中国图学学会理事及多个医学专委会常务委员、European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging等国际期刊编委及多个国际学术期刊论文审稿人。培养的学生获重庆市优秀毕业生、朱李月华奖学金等奖励。




    国家自然科学基金青年项目 61302024
    项目名称:  基于混合谱的契伦科夫光学断层成像重建方法研究


    1. Hu Z, Fang C, Li B, Zhang Z, Cao C, Cai M, Su S, Sun X, Shi X, Li C, Zhou T, Zhang Y, Chi C, He P, Xia X, Chen Y, Gambhir SS*, Cheng Z*, Tian J*. First-in-human liver-tumour surgery guided by multispectral fluorescence imaging in the visible and near-infrared-I/II windows. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2020; 4(3): 259-271.
    2. Chang B, Li D, Ren Y, Qu C, Shi X, Liu R, Liu H, Tian J*, Hu Z*, Sun T*, Cheng Z*. A phosphorescent probe for in vivo imaging in the near-infrared II window. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2022; 6(5): 629-639.
    3. Zhang Z+, Du Y+, Shi X+, Wang K, Qu Q, Liang Q, Ma X, He K, Chi C, Tang J, Liu B, Ji J*, Wang J*, Dong J*, Hu Z*, Tian J*. NIR-II light in clinical oncology: Opportunities and challenges. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. 2024.
    4. Hu Z+, Qu Y+, Wang K+, Zhang X+, Zha J, Song T, Bao C, Liu H, Wang Z, Wang J, Liu Z, Liu H*, Tian J*. In vivo nanoparticle-mediated radiopharmaceutical-excited fluorescence molecular imaging. Nature Communications. 2015; 6:7560.
    5. Xiao A+, Shen B+, Tian J*, Hu Z*. PP-NAS: Searching for plug-and-play blocks on convolutional neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2023.
    6. Xiao A, Shen B, Tian J*, Hu Z*. Differentiable randaugment: learning selecting weights and magnitude distributions of image transformations. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2023; 32:2413-2427.
    7. Xiao A, Shen B, Shi X, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Tian J*, Ji N*, Hu Z*. Intraoperative glioma grading using neural architecture search and multi-modal imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2022; 41(10): 2570-2581.
    8. Cai M, Zhang Z, Shi X, Yang J, Hu Z*, Tian J*. Non-negative iterative convex refinement approach for accurate and robust reconstruction in Cerenkov luminescence tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2020; 39(10): 3207-3217..
    9. Cai M, Zhang Z, Shi X, Hu Z*, Tian J*. NIR-II/NIR-I fluorescence molecular tomography of heterogeneous mice based on gaussian weighted neighborhood fused lasso method. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2020; 39(6): 2213-2222.
    10. Guo H, He X*, Liu M, Zhang Z, Hu Z*, Tian J*. Weight multispectral reconstruction strategy for enhanced reconstruction accuracy and stability with Cerenkov luminescence tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2017; 36(6):1337-1346.
    11. Cao C+, Jin Z+, Shi X+, Zhang Z, Xiao A, Yang J, Ji N*, Tian J*, Hu Z*. First clinical investigation of near-infrared window IIa/IIb fluorescence imaging for precise surgical resection of gliomas. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2022; 69(8): 2404-2413.
    12. Shi X+, Zhang Z+, Zhang Z, Cao C, Cheng Z*, Hu Z*, Tian J*, Ji N*. Near-infrared window II fluorescence image-guided surgery of high-grade gliomas prolongs the progression-free survival of patients. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2022; 69(6): 1889-1900.
    13. Fu L, Lu B, Tian J*, Hu Z*. PSSGAN: Towards spectrum shift based perceptual quality enhancement for fluorescence imaging. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2023; 107: 102216.
    14. Chen H, Shou K, Chen S, Qu C, Wang Z, Jiang L, Zhu M, Ding B, Qian K, Ji A, Lou H, Tong L, Hsu A, Wang Y, D W. Felsher, Hu Z*, Tian J*, Cheng Z*. Smart self-assembly amphiphilic cyclopeptide-dye for near-infrared window-II imaging. Advanced Materials. 2021; 33(16): 2006902.
    15. Yang J, He S, Hu Z*, Zhang Z, Cao C, Cheng Z*, Fang C*, Tian J*. In vivo multifunctional fluorescence imaging using liposome-coated lanthanide nanoparticles in near-infrared-II/IIa/IIb windows. Nano Today. 2021; 38: 101120.
    16. Hu Z, Chen W, Tian J*, Cheng Z*. NIRF nanoprobes for cancer molecular imaging: approaching clinic. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 2020; 26(5): 469-482. (Highlighted as Featured Article)
    17. Shen B, Zhang Z+, Shi X+, Cao C, Zhang Z, Hu Z*, Ji N*, Tian J*. Real-time intraoperative glioma diagnosis using fluorescence imaging and deep convolutional neural networks. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s00259-021-05326-y.
    18. Zheng S, Zhang Z, Qu Y, Zhang X, Guo H, Shi X, Cai M, Cao C, Hu Z*, Liu H*, Tian J*. Radiopharmaceuticals and Fluorescein Sodium Mediated Triple‐Modality Molecular Imaging Allows Precise Image‐Guided Tumor Surgery. Advanced Science. 2019:1900159. (Highlighted as Back Cover Article)
    19. Zhang Z, Qu Y, Cao Y, Shi X, Guo H, Zhang X, Zheng S, Liu H*, Hu Z*, Tian J*. A novel in vivo Cerenkov luminescence image-guided surgery on primary and metastatic colorectal cancer. Journal of Biophotonics. 2020; 13(3): e201960152. (Highlighted as Featured Article and Back Cover Article)
    20. Zhang Z, Cai M, Gao Y, Shi X, Zhang X, Hu Z*, Tian J*. A novel Cerenkov luminescence tomography approach using multilayer fully connected neural network. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019; 64(24): 245010.
    21. Hu Z, Zhao M, Qu Y, Zhang X, Zhang M, Liu M, Guo H, Zhang Z, Wang J*, Yang W*, Tian J*. In vivo three-dimensional radiopharmaceutical excited fluorescence tomography. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2017; 58(1):169-174.
    22. Liu M, Guo H, Liu H, Zhang Z, Chi C, Hui H, Dong D, Hu Z*, Tian J*. In vivo pentamodal tomographic imaging for small animals. Biomedical Optics Express. 2017; 8(3):1356-1371.
    23. Guo H, Hu Z*, He X*, Zhang X, Liu M, Zhang Z, Shi X, Zheng S, Tian J*. Non-convex sparse regularization approach framework for high multiple-source resolution in Cerenkov luminescence tomography. Optics Express, 2017, 25(23):28068-28085.
    24. Hu Z, Liang J, Yang W, Fan W, Li C, Ma X, Chen X, Ma X, Li X, Qu X, Wang J*, Cao F*, Tian J*. Experimental Cerenkov luminescence tomography of the mouse model with SPECT imaging validation. Optics Express. 2010; 18(24):24441-24450.


    • 2022-2023黄家驷生物医学工程奖一等奖
    • 2023中华医学科技奖二等奖
    • 2017 Young Scientist Award First Prize, Chinese American Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
    • 第八届国际发明展览会金奖
    • 重庆市科技新星奖


    胡振华; 田捷; 宋天明; 王坤 ; 基于契伦科夫效应的内窥平面成像方法, 2015-11-04, 中国, ZL201410302205.5,已授权


    (1) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging、Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art、Bioengineering等国际期刊编委