报告题目Brain Towards multi-modal mapping of regional brain organization and distributed networks 

      报告人:Prof. Simon Eickhoff, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany 




      One of the main challenges to understanding human brain organization is the complex interaction of regional specialization and large-scale integration. Consequently, approaches focussing exclusively on one of these aspects, i.e., functional localization of physiological or pathological brain activity on one hand or analysis of distributed network properties on the other, may have only a limited potential for unraveling complex brain systems. Focussing on the executive system as one of the key components of human behavior, this talk will outline how large-scale analyses of brain structure, function and connectivity in health and disease may provide new insight into the organization of the human brain. 


      Simon Eickhoff is professor for cognitive neuroscience at the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf and deputy director of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine in Jülich, where he leads the Brain Network Modeling group. His studied medicine in Aachen, Sheffield, Sydney and London. He received his doctorate degree in neuroanatomy in 2006, following work on brain histology and structure-function correlations, which he continued as a post-doctoral fellow. From 2009-2011 he was an assistant professor for Psychiatry at the RWTH Aachen, where his work work centered on functional MRI and network analysis. His main research interest is the development and application of novel analysis tools and approaches for large-scale, multi-modal analysis of brain structure, function and connectivity. To date he has published more than 210 papers with a h-index of 48. He is the developer of the SPM Anatomy Toolbox and a major contributor to ALE and the BrainMap project. 

